Friday, May 6, 2011

You got a problem with that?

Leo and Sterling want to go all medieval on squirrels on the deck.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

New pix around the house

The boys on squirrel alert.

Carnations win the day.

Domestic silhouette.

Desert Rose, statue in the shadows.

A little art, arty shadows, leaf shapes.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The birds and the "B"

A lesson in domestic improvisation unfolds inside a Starbuck's sign at our local strip mall. There is a nest in the upper part of the B, so the birds know their birds and their bees.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Painting little faces at Patrick's in Edina

Well, technically Patrick's is in Richfield, but you have an elbow in Edina when you eat there.  Tuesday's is family night, and this week a wonderful clown with great face painting skills was there to decorate the little ones.  And the Forestier Burger was terrific.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The still life wouldn't hold still

 Leo kept jumping in the picture. I realized he made it a better picture. It just wasn't a still life anymore.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stop and smell the roses

The 4x5 studio camera gives everything the look of a past era.  It holds time longer, more intelligently, among the silvers and blacks.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I kept seeing the leaves of these orchids as a wonderful spray of energy, and decided they would show up best against our black wall with window light.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Basilica of St. Mary on Hennepin Ave. in Minneapolis

Basilica of St. Mary - Click to see full size
This is the latest in a series of formal portraits I am doing of wonderful old buildings around the cities. I am working on film with a large format camera, and developing the black and white images myself.

The light was perfect for this portrait.  I actually took it at rush hour across the broad intersection, and was able to get the shot between waves of traffic.

Here is some interesting information from Wikipedia*:
"The Basilica of Saint Mary was the first basilica established in the United States of America, honored by Pope Pius XI in 1926. Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Basilica of Saint Mary is the Co-Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
Recognized as one of the finest examples of Beaux-Arts architecture in the country, the Basilica of Saint Mary was constructed between 1907 and 1915 to the design of celebrated Franco-American architect Emmanuel Louis Masqueray. It dominates its own city block on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis."

*Quoted under the fair use provision of Section 107 of the United States Copyright Law, (title 17, U. S. Code).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jay Cooke State Park, March 21 2011

We went up the road from the spillway, to this place along the river where the current had broken through the ice, and the solitary tree marked the frozen bank.
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Friday, March 18, 2011

An eternal thought

An angel in the cemetary holds eternity in a moment.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lakewood Cemetary, Minneapolis

Something about the grave markers in the snow has drawn me back to this site. The stark branches and grasping shadows add an eerie backdrop to the sunlit figure.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Two tranquilities

The bear on the left is tranquil with the simplicity of death. The Buddha on the right is tranquil with the complexity of life.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here is a group portrait of several species. One of them is looking right at you.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

The stark beauty of nature

A very weathered sea shell collected from the beach in Florida in 1996.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Composition in black and white

Tea cup, pot, and strainer. Found art in The Purple Sandpiper near 82nd & Lyndale in Bloomington.  This modest looking restaurant sports a champions heart.  Local produce and meats are their specialty, and great service their badge.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Thaw, Stillwater

On Valentine's Day, we spent the afternoon in Stillwater shopping, eating, walking around outside. It was in the 40s, and a store owner at the mall was hosing down his wooden deck behind the store, while someone in a bathing suit jogged by.

Minnesota, you have to live it to believe it.
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People and Places, Stillwater, Valentine's Day 2011

Jody is with ethel's dress shop in the Grand Garage mall.

Owner, with his family, of Reve 324 bistro. We had sandwiches and a modest but spunky Grenache wine. Excellent, recommended.

Cecilia, proprietor of Chestnut Street Books.
I spent $60 without getting past the first shelf by the door!
Anastasia. The lost daughter of the Czar? Or simply a great paddlewheeler frozen in the St. Croix River.
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Scenes from Stillwater, Valentine's Day

Paddlewheelers icebound for the winter.

Memorial to the pony express?

Clerk in the cookware store with her unique glasses.

Facades downtown.
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